About Us
NAHU represents nearly 100,000 professional health insurance agents and brokers who service the insurance needs of millions of Americans. Founded in 1930, there are now 200 state and local chapters in the United States.

Our Mission
The West Virginia Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals – WVABIP (formerly Association of Health Underwriters – WVAHU) is a state member of the National Association. We are a professional organization of agents, insurance company representatives and compliance reps who care enough about their clients to join together with a Mission to inform and protect the consumer by enhancing the professional growth of its members. NAHU represents nearly 100,000 professional health insurance agents and brokers who service the insurance needs of millions of Americans. Founded in 1930, there are now 200 state and local chapters in the United States.
Our Vision
NAHU is the preeminent organization for health insurance and employee benefits professionals and works diligently to ensure all Americans have access to high quality affordable Healthcare and related services.
Regular Membership Meetings
WVABIP members have the opportunity to network and learn from industry professionals at regular in-person meetings and at our annual conference. Additionally, we host virtual events from time to time to provide members with convenient access to speakers across the state and around the country.
The WVABIP is a unique chapter in that, due to geography, we are not served by a local chapter. That being said, we have opted to hold monthly meetings in the following manner: In Person Charleston; Virtual; In Person Morgantown. We will rotate like this until we build enough participation and membership to create a North and South chapter.
There are a couple of benefits to offering some meetings in a virtual meeting format. First, it’s more convenient — you can attend all virtual meetings from wherever you are, don’t have to drive, and can work right up until the meeting begins. Second, you might have the opportunity to hear from speakers who might otherwise have trouble traveling to more remote chapters.
Our Board of Directors
- Tabitha Justice – President
- Joseph Deacon – Legislative Chair
- Lisa Davis – Membership Chair
- Jessica Adkins – Communications Chair
- Kim Patterson – Education Chair
WVABIP Trustees & Former Board Members
- Tony Paterno – President (2008 – 2009)
- Joseph Deacon – President (2009 – 2014)
- Brett M. Hamilton – President (2015 – 2017)
- Joseph Deacon – President (2018 – 2022)
- Rob Groom
- Paul White
- Tim Mitchell
- Kelly Newhouse
- Leigh Ann Haden Fulks
- Gary Shorter